Our amazing school has places for September 2024 - please call the office on 01788 811549
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Bilton Infant School‘Be the best we can be’

Welcome toBilton Infant School‘Be the best we can be’

Attendance & school term dates

                                                *Please note children should not attend school on Teacher Training days.


Be on time for ten to nine


Please ensure children join us on time and are ready for learning. Doors open at 8.50a.m.


Any pupil arriving after 9.00 a.m. should enter school via the front door, so they can be marked in the register; reasons recorded and lunch choices confirmed.


School ends at 3.05p.m. for Receptions pupils and 3.15p.m. for pupils in Year 1 and Year 2. 



If your child won’t be attending school please inform the School Office by 10.00 a.m. to explain the reasons for absence on 01788 811549 or


Unexplained absence or lateness may be recorded as unauthorised.  Please provide reasons for absence.  In some circumstances, medical proof of absences may be required.  Please share with us any on-going issues which may affect your child's attendance and punctuality so we can work together to address this.  We will contact you about any concerning patterns or lateness or absences to ensure your child is safe and receiving the best education they can.


Persistent absences (below 90%) without medical evidence or exceptional circumstances, may result in a fine from the Local Authority. 



Regular and punctual attendance at school is both a legal requirement and essential for pupils in order to maximise their educational opportunities.  Attending school ‘regularly’ means that children must attend school on every day that they are required to do so.  Your child will benefit from 100% attendance to maximise their learning.  


Thank you for your commitment and co-operation with these matters.

Leave of absence

Permission for a leave of absence needs to be sought from the Headteacher should you wish to take your child out of School during term time for an exceptional reason. Please note that strict Government laws are in place in relation to school attendance. 


Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.  It is for the Head Teacher to decide what is ‘exceptional’ and it is at their discretion if the circumstances warrant the leave to be granted.


In keeping with our school value of HONESTY, please be honest about your reasons for requesting a leave of absence. Honesty is the best policy.


Term time holidays are not permitted once your child has started school.  All holidays should be taken whilst the school is closed.  Holidays in term time will not be considered as 'exceptional' and will NOT be authorised.


Please refer to our Attendance and Truancy policy on our website for further information.


Your child's attendance is our shared priority.

Leave of absence guidance
