Bilton Infant School is a school where 'parents and staff are overwhelmingly positive about the school, its leaders, staff and the progress their children are making'.
Please get in touch to find out why!
Email: admin2420@welearn365.com
Telephone: 01788 811549
Starting school
At Bilton Infant School we are extremely fortunate to have a committed staff who share the common aim of wanting to give our children the best possible start in life and enable them to 'be the best we can be'.
During the Autumn Term your are welcome to contact our school if you have children beginning school in September. Please call on 01788 811549 or email admin2420@welearn365.com if you have particular queries we can help with.
Apply for a school place at Bilton Infant School
The published admission number for Bilton Infant School is 60, affording us up to two classes of 30 pupils.
Our Admissions Policy is in line with that of Warwickshire County Council.
Applications should be made between November and January in the year before your child turns 4 years of age using the link below.
Warwickshire schools do not hold waiting lists as applications are made via WCC.
For families who accept a school place for September, we offer a programme of visits and events to help you and your child settle successfully into our school. Parents are also invited to attend an Induction Evening where you will be provided with information about starting school and a Starting School Pack to assist you with this important time. For the last 3 years we have had 100% satisfaction responses from our new families.
In-year transfer
Children can transfer into our school during the academic year, if spaces are available. Admissions and in year transfers are made through Warwickshire County Council following their policy. They can be contacted on Admissions (Eastern area) on 01926 414143 or via the link above.
We encourage families to look around the school and discuss arrangements prior to accepting a place or starting school with us.
Applying for Year 3 places
Our pupils leave Bilton Infant School at the end of Year 2. Applications for a Year 3 place at your preferred school(s) should be made via WCC Admissions, during the Autumn term while your child is in Year 2.
Pupils typically transfer to Bilton Junior School (www.biltonjuniorschool.co.uk) which is part of the Bilton Community Federation group, led by one single governing body.