Online Safety Leaders
Our Online safety leaders help raise the profile of online safety around our school. They help develop rules and policies, share online safety resources with their classes and families and promote safe use of technology.
Red Class: Lauchlan & Aria
Orange Class: Jensen & Leolah
Blue Class: Amelia G & Larry
Green Class: Hattie & Fin
Yellow Class: Jessica & John
White Class: Cary & Katherine
Online safety leadership
Bilton Infant School was the first Warwickshire school to receive the national 'Anti-Bullying Award' in recognition of the pupils' and staff's commitment and hardwork to stamping out bullying, including online.
We have achieved the 360 Online Safety National Mark.
We are promoting 'Online safety' to our pupils and families, led by our elected Online safety councillors. They support children and the school with safe practice through assemblies, posters, a rap, competitions and curriculum guidance.