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Bilton Infant School‘Be the best we can be’

Welcome toBilton Infant School‘Be the best we can be’

Our curriculum overview

Living our values, learning for life, preparing our futures


What do we want our curriculum to achieve?



  • Develop our children's  strength of character through our six values, which underpin our teaching, learning and ethos

                                        Care, Honesty, PerseveranceResponsibilityCo-operation and Respect

  • Be ambitious, broad and balanced and informed by research and evidence.
  • Be inclusive and overcome barriers so 'everyone can'.
  • Prepare our children for their next steps and futures.
  • Promote, recognise and celebrate success to enable pupils to discover lifelong interests and talents within and beyond the classroom.

How do we fulfil this?

  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum using The Curriculum Guidance for Early Years and Foundation Stage and the new 2014 National Curriculum as a starting point
  • Place a strong emphasis on values
  • Offer a range of high quality core texts that are well thought out and challenging for every child to access during their learning journey
  • We take account of the growing body of knowledge of how children learn, developing learning so it is sequenced into small steps, clearly modelled and scaffolded; questioning is used to check for understanding; content is reviewed to build fluency and confidence; and opportunities for regular practice are provided so children know and remember more
  • Key strategies are addressed over time and revisited
  • Connections are made between some curriculum areas whilst leaving some curriculum areas to be taught discretely
  • Build on and build from previous knowledge with the understanding of where we want our children to get to by the time they leave us
  • Class teachers are responsible for teaching our curriculum. Specialist music staff deliver our KS1 Music curriculum.


An overview of the content of our curriculum, for each year group and each area of learning (EYFS) or subject (KS1) can be found below.

If you have any questions after reviewing our curriculum, please contact the school directly.


At Bilton Infant School all class teachers are responsible for providing a curriculum that is suitable for all pupils in the class, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) with support from the SENCo. We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Our inclusion statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND.


Additional information on this can be found here:
