What do we want our curriculum to achieve?
How do we fulfil this?
We use Power Maths as our primary scheme of learning, founded on the conviction that 'everybody can'. Teachers are encouraged to personalise this based on the needs of their cohort, using their own formative and summative assessments.
Power Maths’ cohesive approach builds on each concept in small, progressive steps, through child-centred learning. Each lesson embraces the C-P-A approach (Concrete - Pictorial - Abstract) enabling children to build on prior learning, see patterns and make connections:
Concrete resources: children use resources to 'do' the Maths Pictorial: children 'see' the Maths in pictures or draw their responses Abstract: children can 'understand' the Maths by visualizing
KS1 pupils receive daily Maths lessons based around this clear lesson structure:
Mastering Number
All pupils receive four times a week 'number sense' sessions aimed at strengthening their understanding of number, and fluency with number facts. The children will use a range of materials and representations, including a small abacus-like piece of equipment called a Rekenrek.
Power Maths
Real life problem to discover today's new learning
Every lesson starts with a Discover task to get children to solve a problem that aims to generate curiosity. During the Discover section children may use manipulatives to help them understand the maths and explain their method.
Talking and eliciting Maths linked to the problem (above), using concrete & pictorial representations
The next stage encourages children to Share the methods they have tried to solve the problem in Discover.
Think Together
Practising the new learning in a scaffolded way, using C-P-A
We only learn when we are thinking! In this section we take the approach “I do, we do, you do”, as children apply the knowledge they have just learned in a series of problems that continue to encourage thinking throughout.
Children work independently to practise the new learning, still accessing concrete resources, if needed.
Children are then ready for some independent practice.
Time to reflect of lesson’s new learning, usually through reasoning problems
The final Reflect question helps the children evaluate whether they have understood the key concept and small step that they have been trying to master in the lesson.
At the end of each unit of learning, teachers will reflect on the child’s evidence of learning to decide if they have grasped that concept or whether they require further support to enable them to access the next steps in learning.
At the end of each term teachers will provide summative assessments as to whether children are Working Towards, Expected or Greater Depth in the Maths units taught so far that academic year. In EYFS, summative assessments are also completed termly against the EYFS profile.
At the end of each key stage, teachers provide a summative assessment in Mathematics against the Early Learning Goals (EYFS) and the Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Frameworks (Year 2).
How do we do this?
Maths workshop