Our amazing school has places currently in Reception and Year 1 and we are open for visits for children looking to join us in September 2025 - please call the office on 01788 811549 for further information
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Bilton Infant School‘Be the best we can be’

Welcome toBilton Infant School‘Be the best we can be’

School Clubs

In school clubs

Eco ClubMiss Condry
Online Safety ClubMiss Osborne
School CouncilMrs Gordon




Play Leaders

Miss Osborne / Mrs Cation


After school activity clubs


These clubs are run by outside agencies on our site.  They send letters of invitation out for you to sign your child up to.

Payment and communication should be arranged with the Club itself.


Dance ClubTuesday 3.15p.m. - 4.15p.m.
Football Club

Wednesday 3.20p.m. - 4.30p.m.

Hockey ClubThursday 3.20pm - 4.30pm


