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Bilton Infant School‘Be the best we can be’

Welcome toBilton Infant School‘Be the best we can be’




  • To begin to build an understanding that there are individual, communal and organised Worldviews
  • To begin to understand that we each have their own personal worldview which is shaped by the influences around them.
  • To build a secure understanding of global religious and non-religious worldviews
  • To understand the interconnected ideas within different religious and non-religious worldviews
  • To Explore big questions about life 
  • To Find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live 
  • To Make sense of religion and worldviews, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living 



How do we fulfil this?

Warwickshire Religion and Worldviews syllabus

  • In weekly RE lessons we seek to promote reflection, empathy, comprehension, investigation, interpretation and analysis.


  • Foster attitudes such as curiosity, open-mindedness, self-understanding, respect, wonder and appreciation, as these are fundamental to a fair minded study of religions and worldviews and the spiritual dimensions of human life. This is achieved through a research- based enquiry approach to the teaching of RE.


  • RE is taught using the following disciplines: Theology (Thinking about beliefs); Philosophy (Thinking about ideas), Human & Social Sciences (Thinking about living) & History
  • RE units use the following concepts and build upon them each year producing a spiral curriculum.



  • Pupils are taught understanding of worldviews, disciplinary knowledge and disciplinary skills, through learning about Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Humanist, Buddist, Jewish & Pagan worldviews.  


  • Each year group explores 3 big enquiry questions over the year.




  • Within each enquiry sub-questions are explored and discussed enabling children to develop their own individual answers to each of the big questions.


